Sargoshiyan Download 720p Movie
Sargoshiyan Download 720p Movie
Sargoshiyan is a 2017 Indian drama film directed and produced by Imran Khan under his banner Imran Khans Production. The film is completely shot in Kashmir and explores the never seen before breath taking places. The film was released on 26 May 2017 by Dimension Pictures.
The story of the film is weaved around Kashmir and Kashmiri people's simplicity, pride and Kashmiriyat. It's a very simple and interesting theme, all about Kashmir where Jammu and Kashmir and the Kashmiri people are central to certain developments taking place in the movie. In the recent past, Kashmir has been portrayed in many films for the unrest in the region, however in this film there is no violence and the movie depicts the beauty and chastity of Kashmir and Kashmiris. The movie portrays how even today Muslims and Pandit's stay in harmony in the Kashmir Valley. The film travels through many beautiful locations in Kashmir. It's a soul-searching journey for the characters where they meet different people undergoing their challenges in very difficult conditions and yet they are positive, hopeful and facing the harsh realities of life with a 'never say die' attitude.
The film stars Indraneil Sengupta as Vikram Roy, Sara Khan as Sheena Oberoi, Aditi Bhatia as Payal, Tom Alter as Allan Alter, Farida Jalal as Rahima, Imran Khan as Imran Dar, Shahbaaz Khan as Hamza Gujjar, Aparna Kumar as Ragini, Alok Nath as Pandit Raina, Khalid Siddiqui as Bank Manager and Hasan Zaidi. The film has a runtime of 1 hour 46 minutes and has an IMDb rating of 6.2 out of 10 based on 37 user reviews.
If you want to watch this movie online, you can stream it for free on [JustWatch]. However, if you want to download this movie in 720p quality, you will need to use a torrent client such as [BitTorrent]( or [uTorrent]( You can find the torrent file for this movie on various websites such as [The Pirate Bay]( [1337x]( [RARBG]( or [YTS]( Please note that downloading movies from torrent sites may be illegal in your country and may expose you to malware or viruses. We do not endorse or support any piracy activities and we recommend you to watch this movie legally from official sources.
We hope you enjoy this movie and appreciate the beauty and culture of Kashmir. If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to contact us.